Happy scrapbook Sunday, friends! I spent most of last night watching snow fall out my window and working on my Project Life album. It felt great to dive back in. Most of December was spent focusing on my December Memories album so my pocket pages were severely neglected. Oh well, it happens, right? After last night I have just a few more spreads to finish up and the album will be complete. I am really looking forward to moving on to my 2016 album which will be 9"x12" instead of 12"x12". I hope to have a post up later this week sharing my plan.
Below are the last five weeks of the year except for New Year's Eve. Everything I used is from the Gossamer Blue January kits. The kits were great this month!

Here starts the first week of December. Since I have an entire album dedicated to December stories I am only creating a one page spread for each week. This really helped me get through all these pages so quickly. I highly recommend doing half of what you would normally do if you are behind in your album. For example - if you normally do 2 page spreads, do a 1 page spread...if you normally do a 1 page spread, include 2 weeks on one page. Go easy on yourself and allow yourself to go with the flow.

For this week I added a 6"x12" insert to document a football game we went to.

Here is a look at the back of that insert...

And that coffee card from Seven Paper. Ahhhh....SOOOO GOOD! It's in the Bit's & Pieces kit which is probably my favorite this month.

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